Money Matters for Artists: Getting Your Act Together Financially


Saturday, May 20 | 10 AM – 1 PM

12th Avenue Arts | 1620 12th Ave (Pike/Pine Room)

Sliding Scale $15-$35

​​*limited full fee waivers are available. Please contact Erin, to request.

How much do you know about the real world? Things your parents didn’t teach you. This workshop will give you the basics to begin creating a financially sustainable life.  We will cover the nuts & bolts of budgeting (personally and professionally), taxes, credit & debt and legacy. Alongside this we will discuss building a personal philosophy to help you define your own success. You will leave with resources for now and the future.

The materials and resources will be digitally shared and laptops are recommended for the workshop.

Read more information about The Artist Sustainability Project.

Masks are strongly encouraged to be worn by all participants and facilitators at all times during this workshop. There will be a short break during this workshop where coffee and snacks will be provided outdoors on the balcony. We may adjust this policy if needed.  


Photo by DJ Schaller

David Thomson is a interdisciplinary collaborative artist who has worked with Bebe Miller, Trisha Brown, Ralph Lemon, Sekou Sundiata, Marina Abramović, Deborah Hay, Kaneza Schaal, Meg Stuart, Alain Buffard, Tere O’Connor, David Bowie, Yvonne Rainer, Carl Hancock Rux, Okwui Okpokwasili and Matthew Barney among many others.  

Thomson’s current artistic practice centers on the interrogation of presence and absence in the performance of identity. Awards and fellowships include US Artist/Ford, New York Foundation for the Arts, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Yaddo, MacDowell, Rauschenberg and Foundation for Contemporary Art. Thomson was honored with a New York Dance and Performance Award (“Bessie”) for Sustained Achievement (2001), as part of the creative team for Bebe Miller’s Landing/Place (2006) and for Outstanding Production for his first evening-length work he his own mythical beast (2018). Thomson is a Mabou Mines Associate Artist and Danspace Research Fellow. 

He has worked as an Arts Administrator and/or Database Consultant for several organizations including New York Foundation for the Arts, Merce Cunningham Foundation, Dieu Donné Papermill, National Performance Network, and Movement Research. He developed the Trisha Brown Archive Database in collaboration with Cori Olinghouse. An ongoing advocate for dance and the empowerment of artists, he was one of the founding members of Dancer’s Forum and has served on the boards of Bebe Miller/Gotham Dance, Dance Theater Workshop and New York Live Arts.

He has served on the faculties of Movement Research, NYU, Sarah Lawrence, The New School, Barnard, Bennington, Middlebury and Pratt as well as teaching internationally.  In 2017, he initiated The Artist Sustainability Project to expand the practice and discourse of financial, artistic, and personal empowerment for artists.


Masks are strongly encouraged to be worn by all participants and facilitators at all times during this workshop. 12th Avenue Arts is fully accessible for wheelchairs and walkers. The lobby is on street level and there are bathrooms both at street level and on the first floor. This workshop will occur on the first floor, accessible via elevator and stairs. We will meet participants in the lobby and direct you to the classroom upstairs. 

For access needs, contact us at so that we can prepare with you.