Want to work with Velocity? We are a small team of artists and administrators working together in service of Velocity’s mission to advance contemporary dance through the creative explorations of artists and audiences. Take a look at our about pages to learn more about our history, mission, vision, and values. For almost 30 years Velocity has been artist led and run, and we value artist leadership and providing opportunities for artists to learn the administrative skills that they need to work with and within arts institutions like Velocity.
Open Call: Production Intern
Velocity is Hiring!
Through the Cultural and Creative Workforce Development Program at Northwest Folklife, Velocity will be hiring a Production Intern from May to OCT 2025. Interested in applying? Download the application pdf. here and apply to join the team!
Further Description:
Join the CCWD Program as a Programming Intern at Velocity Dance Center. This position is ideal for energetic and interested individuals who are looking to expand their knowledge of the dance world through programming. The Programming Intern will assist staff with the development, implementation and evaluation of dani tirrell’s new work, SFD+I, and experimental dance festival OUT THERE. Position will be developed with each intern to fulfill Velocity’s needs while also aligning with each individual’s expertise, skills and goals.
INTERVIEWS WILL BEGIN NO EARLIER THAN MARCH 15, 2025. The position will remain open until filled.
- Please submit a statement of intent (1-2 paragraphs) which includes:
- Your interest in creative careers and skills
- Who you are, and how you think this internship will help you
- What is most exciting to you about taking part in this internship
- Attach your resume, CV, or a list of relevant experiences as a PDF.
- Please submit materials to internships@nwfolklife.org
- SUBJECT LINE: Programming Internship, Velocity Dance Center
- Resume and cover letter are welcome, but not required to apply
- To be hired candidates need to be a WA state resident and eligible to work in the USA, complete the US I-9, provide relevant identification and provide other employment documentation to Northwest Folklife
If you have any questions, please email Shane, shane@velocitydancecenter.org