Velocity transitions out of Capitol Hill space

Dec 4, 2020

Dear community members,

We have some important news to share with you.

We have transitioned out of our space at 1621 12th Ave due to financial hardship brought on by the pandemic and government-mandated closures. The board and leadership made this decision to prioritize sustaining the people and programs that are central to Velocity’s mission. We will continue artistic and educational programming online and in partnership with other spaces and organizations in 2021, while we lay the foundation for the future of Velocity.

Since the beginning of November, we have been negotiating the terms of our lease with the landlord, which has resulted in us breaking our lease and signing a settlement agreement. Because this legal process wasn’t finalized until yesterday, we weren’t able to tell you all until today.

As Velocity takes this step to stabilize amidst uncertainty, we recognize and make room for the grief and joy that mark growth and change. We are reminded that it is all of you who make Velocity a place of creativity, connection, and care. We are so grateful for all the memories we’ve made together in the space. We understand your grief. We feel it too. But we are also excited to be more flexible. To have the ability to look forward to future programming, collaborations, and a new future home.

And this change will make a more sustainable Velocity possible immediately. By the end of the year, because of the Covid-19 pandemic, we will see a projected $330,000 loss in income, which is a 47% loss in what the organization had planned to make in 2020. The 1621 12th Ave space’s monthly rent is over $11,000 a month, and we had four more years left on the lease. Even while reducing expenses and partially furloughing all our staff, the severity and length of the pandemic would have forced us into debt, insolvency and, ultimately, dissolution. But now, without those ongoing rent payments, more of the support we raise as a community can go to our future, artists, and programs.

We will continue to share updates about this transition on InstagramFacebookour newsletter, and website. If you would like to discuss the move, pending space rentals, online classes, or Velocity’s next steps, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for what you bring to Velocity. Thank you for trusting us to steward Velocity through this challenging time. We are optimistic about our future, and excited for the opportunity to build a more sustainable, collaborative organization together.

In community,

The Velocity Staff and Board:
Erin Johnson, Jessica Roxann Jones, Vladimir Kremenović, Fox Whitney, Shirley Wong
Elizabeth Bello, Jarman Hauser, Liz Houlton, Cameron Irwin, Danielle McClune, and Sylvia Okafor