Velocity’s Regional Creative Incubator is focused on introducing and connecting West Coast experimental dance artists with each other and Seattle audiences. This sentiment is particularly rooted in helping artists develop long standing relationships for future regional and national partnerships.
In this program, Velocity provides time, space, and money to research a new dance idea, and participating artists are introduced to the regional landscape of funding, grant cycles, and donor cultivation through the process of making and performing a new, 30 minute work at a residency at SFD+I and performance at a fully produced festival. This program aims to expand the producing skills of the artist and increase the technical scale of the work.

*Kaitlin McCarthy and Jenny Peterson, NEXT FEST NW 2022, Photo by Jenny Peterson
How is this program curated?
Regional Creative Incubators are curated by the Velocity curatorial team through open application. They will review each application and score proposals using the below criteria, with scores from strongly meets criteria – somewhat meets criteria – does not meet criteria.
The highest scoring applications will be advanced to a discussion stage, where the panel will curate four projects for the program from the West Coast Region. Beyond scoring, the curators’ will be selecting based on what three pieces together create a varied and exciting collection of works for the event.
what are the application criteria?
Criteria | Description |
Proposal demonstrates that the artist is
Proposal articulates a concept that is compelling and shows artistic excellence. |
Proposal demonstrates that the artist has a strong foundation in making and sharing work, and that their involvement in OUT THERE would help them to reach their current artistic and career goals of developing a regional audience. |
Proposal articulates how the artist plans to work in collaboration with the cohort to vision and execute a shared program. This project will help build audiences for Velocity and for the artists involved, while inciting dialogue and exchange. This artist has articulated their experience with audience development. |
Proposal clearly articulates a concept for a new work that is achievable, given both the artist’s experience and skills and the time and resources available. |
Further Clarifications:
Within Criteria 1 –
- “available for all dates” – We mean that you are available to be present either physically or in some cases virtually for the entire duration of the dates listed. Selected applicants will set their rehearsal schedule during the residency, but they must be available for all meetings, technical/dress rehearsals and performances.
- “New work” – this does not have to be a brand new idea that you have never explored in your work, but there should be something clearly distinct and new about the proposal.
Within Criteria 2 –
- “Artistic Excellence” – Artistic excellence is seen in those who bring curiosity and rigor to their work, have a process for refining their work, seek influence, and pursue feedback to improve their craft.
Within Criteria 5 –
- “Feasibility” – OUT THERE performances take place in October, in a live theater context. We encourage you to think expansively about what your piece can be, but your proposal will be strongest if you articulate and help us understand how this proposal will exist within this context, and consider what is achievable given the resources and timeline.
Late Winter – Applications Launch
Late Spring – Artists are informed of the panels decision
Early Summer – Artists are announced
July – Residency
October – Performance
OUT THERE is the current iteration of the Regional Creative Incubator, previous programs include NEXTFEST NW and MERCE 100. Click through the links below for more information about past iterations, as well as links to the original archived webpages.